US Historical Climatology Network
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NetSTORM can read and re-format either of two data formats from the US Historical Climatology Network (USHCN)dataset. USHCN data consist of daily and monthly timeseries for select US climatological stations. 


Daily data is available as single files for each of 48 US states. Each file contains precipitation, maximum and minimum temperature, snow fall, and snow depth data for all stations in the state. Data files available from look like this:


304791 TMAXF 1944 6 30 0  81 1 0  85 1 0  84 1 0  67 1 0  78 1 0  79 1 0  80 1 0 

304791 TMINF 1944 6 30 0  62 1 0  59 1 0  56 1 0  41 1 0  50 1 0  59 1 0  48 1 0 

304791 PRCPHI1944 7 31 0   0T1 0   0 1 0   0 1 0   0T1 0  27 1 0   0 1 0   0 1 0 

304791 SNOWTI1944 7 31 0   0 1 0   0 1 0   0 1 0   0 1 0   0 1 0   0 1 0   0 1 0 

304791 SNWDI 1944 7 31 0   0 1 0   0 1 0   0 1 0   0 1 0   0 1 0   0 1 0   0 1 0 

304791 TMAXF 1944 7 31 0  81 1 0  79 1 0  82 1 0  82 1 0  82 1 0  84 1 0  90 1 0 


NetSTORM writes output data files in its standard mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm value station format as shown:


06/25/1944  0:00  0.0200 304791

07/05/1944  0:00  0.2700 304791

07/10/1944  0:00  0.0100 304791

07/11/1944  0:00  0.5700 304791

07/12/1944  0:00  1.0600 304791

07/13/1944  0:00  0.2700 304791


Monthly data are available as nationwide files for each data element. Files are available for precipitation, mean, maximum, and minimum temperature. Data files available from look like this: 


395536 1964 3  21.00 1   23.80 1   23.30 1   47.50 1   61.30 1   67.60 1   75.10 1  

395536 1964 3+ 19.70 1G  22.72 1G  22.13 1G  46.28 1G  60.18 1G  66.75 1G  74.41 1G 

395536 1964 3A 19.70 1O  22.72 1O  20.93 1O  45.08 1O  58.98 1O  65.18 1O  72.84 1O 

395536 1964 3C  0.34 15   0.34 15   0.28 13   0.28 13   0.28 13   0.30 13   0.30 13 

395536 1965 3   7.10 1   12.60 1   18.50 1   43.70 1   58.30 1   67.30 1   72.00 1  

395536 1965 3+  5.80 1G  11.52 1G  17.33 1G  42.48 1G  57.18 1G  66.45 1G  71.31 1G 


The user must select whether to read the areal-edited (raw) or FILNET (gaps filled) datasets, and must select a state using standard postal codes. The program produces two output files with monthly and annual values respectively. The monthly file uses standard NetSTORM format, while the annual file is formatted as yyyy value station:


10/01/1924  0:00   52.10 374266

11/01/1924  0:00   42.20 374266

12/01/1924  0:00   29.60 374266


1889  49.90 370896

1890  49.70 370896

1891  50.10 370896

1892  48.80 370896